ZDA ostajajo v šoku – FBI je začel lov na protestnike, Twitter pa je dokončno ukinil račun Trumpu – Na družbenih omrežjih se že vlečejo zgodovinske paralele z dogajanjem v predvojni Nemčiji
Potem ko je ameriški kongres potrdil zmago Joeja Bidna, je Donald Trump končno obsodil nasilje in nerede brez primere v Washingtonu, obenem pa napovedal, da se ne bo udeležil Bidnove inavguracije. Zaradi protestov je umrla že peta žrtev, FBI pa se je intenzivno lotil lova na protestnike. Twitter pa je dokončno za nedoločen čas ukinil Twitter račun Donaldu Trumpu. Twitter pojasnjuje, da je “trajno začasno ustavil” račun predsednika Trumpa “zaradi nevarnosti nadaljnjega spodbujanja nasilja.
Twitter says it has "permanently suspended" President Trump's account "due to the risk of further incitement of violence." https://t.co/RXQR6a1Y0D pic.twitter.com/RKhUiJB31T
— Breaking News (@BreakingNews) January 8, 2021
Now in Black&White pic.twitter.com/8FUSetpOLt
— sandro isaack (@SandroIsaack) January 8, 2021
Life is not an action movie.
For this guy, at least. https://t.co/r80zCEamuc— Anita (@GrgiGregor) January 8, 2021
Zaradi vdora protestnikov v ameriški kongres skoraj brez odpora policije in varnostnikov, odpovedi dežujejo na vseh nivojih poveljevanja. FBI je začel svojo preiskavo. Iščejo povezave med tistimi, ki so stavbo napadli, in tistimi, ki so jo zavarovali. Hkrati ima ideja o odpoklicu predsednika Trumpa vse več zagovornikov.
A state lawmaker from West Virginia, a 70-year-old Alabamian armed with jars of gasoline and a man who broke into Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office were among those arrested after the storming of the Capitol, federal law enforcement officials announced. https://t.co/wSkTIHBErR
— The New York Times (@nytimes) January 9, 2021
Less than half of adults — 48% — believe steps should be taken to remove President Trump from office, including 84% of Democrats and 45% of independents.
While 83% of Republicans are against removing the president. https://t.co/kfdkf4CfHR
— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) January 8, 2021
Po zadnjih raziskavah javnega mnenja v ZDA manj kot polovica odraslih – 48% – meni, da bi bilo treba sprejeti ukrepe za odstranitev predsednika Trumpa s položaja, vključno s 84% demokratov in 45% neodvisnih. Medtem ko je 83% republikancev proti odstranitvi predsednika.
Na družbenih omrežjih pa se že vlečejo zgodovinske primerjave in paralele. Tako nasprotniki Trumpa zadnje dogajanje v ZDA primerjajo z neuspelim pučem v münchenski pivnici leta 1923, ko so Hitler in njegovi sodelavci nameravali zavzeti München in mesto uporabiti kot bazo za pohod proti nemški vladi Weimarske republike.
In 1923, Adolf Hitler led a failed coup. He was treated leniently. Germany moved on.
A decade later, he was dictator, and the worst disaster in the history of the civilized world ensued.
In 2021, when the president of the United States leads a failed coup, we must not move on.— Mark Jacob (@MarkJacob16) January 8, 2021
This is what was happening in the Presidential bunker while the Capitol was being ransacked and the hallways pissed in. @ 1:10 you see the ambulance arrive for the woman who was shot. pic.twitter.com/Ae93I9VP4A
— curtsey williams (@CurtseyWilliams) January 8, 2021
I want Trump prosecuted, along with Giuliano and Trump, Jr. But this was taken BEFORE either Trump took the stage. We have to be better.
— Aaron Hull (@HeavyMTLHulk) January 9, 2021
White nationalists, conspiracy theorists and a West Virginia lawmaker: Here are the rioters who heeded President Trump’s call and stormed the U.S. Capitol. https://t.co/WOkL2ZjCVw
— The New York Times (@nytimes) January 8, 2021
A state lawmaker from West Virginia, a 70-year-old Alabamian armed with jars of gasoline and a man who broke into Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office were among those arrested after the storming of the Capitol, federal law enforcement officials announced. https://t.co/wSkTIHBErR
— The New York Times (@nytimes) January 9, 2021
Zato zahtevajo odstavitev Trumpa s predsedniškega položaja še pred formalno zamenjavo oblasti, saj gre po njihovi oceni za nevarni precedens in poskus državnega udara, in vsako popuščanje Trumpu bi se lahko vrnilo kot bumerang v veliko bolj radikalni obliki.
Imagine if they had succeeded? We would be talking about Pelosi being a hostage or executed. pic.twitter.com/H3IKKTd8rT
— Mark Jagielski (@MarkJagielski) January 8, 2021
On February 27, 1933, the German parliament Reichstag building burned down. The Nazi used the fire to claim that Communists were planning a violent uprising. They claimed that emergency legislation was needed to prevent this. The resulting act paved the way for Nazi dictatorship pic.twitter.com/TS9GPpQ4BY
— Wood – Furniture.biz (@furniture_web) January 8, 2021
I just listened to Gov Hogan's description of the deployment of the MD National Guard, and it appears that the military was unable or unwilling to intervene at the Capitol for hours, even though they had been informed of the situation by MD, and legislators at the Capitol.
— Pat Duran (@PatDura74139748) January 8, 2021
ZDA ostajajo v šoku, potem ko so Trumpovi pristaši zasedli stavbo kongresa. Predsednik, ki bo do odhoda s funkcije ostal v Beli hiši še 12 dni, je včeraj dejal, da je nad dogajanjem šokiran. “Zgrožen sem nad količino nasilja, brezpravja in kaosa, ki se je pojavil. Takoj sem se odzval in nacionalno gardo pozval, naj zaščiti stavbo kongresa in izseli nezakonite vsiljivce”, pravi Donald Trump, predsednik ZDA.
Ti isti nezakoniti vsiljivci, kot jih je imenoval Trump, so bili do včeraj njegovi najljubši gostje na številnih shodih. In danes se počutijo na cedilu. Zagovorniki Trumpa zato zahteve po Trumpovem odpoklicu ter aretacije zaradi nasilnega vdora v parlament kot tudi ukinitev Twitter računa vlečejo drugačne zgodovinske primerjave, sicer prav tako z dogajanjem v predvojni Nemčiji, vendar s “Kristalno nočjo” in “Nočjo dolgih nožev”.
Indeed. As dangerous as taking away their ability to be heard in our courts.
Wednesday was the Reichstag fire.
Today was digital Kristallnacht.
— President Elect Matthew Nowlin (@mnbookman) January 9, 2021
BREAKING: Apple is currently threatening to ban Parler — the free speech alternative to Twitter — unless the service enacts draconian censorship policies demanded by left-wing Big Tech oligarchs, according to two sources familiar with Apple's threats.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) January 8, 2021
Indeed. As dangerous as taking away their ability to be heard in our courts.
Wednesday was the Reichstag fire.
Today was digital Kristallnacht.
— President Elect Matthew Nowlin (@mnbookman) January 9, 2021
Comparing something as trivial as a Twitter ban to the rise of the Nazis and Holocaust is extremely idiotic
— solowing (@solowing__) January 9, 2021
Parler was the odds-on bet for Trump's next soapbox, but now it's suddenly facing an existential crisis.
Google just suspended its app until it better polices its users, and Apple gave it 24 hours to do the same.
Parler no longer can be a free-for-all.https://t.co/7PLo8qnOnb
— Jack Nicas (@jacknicas) January 9, 2021
Najhitrejši in najboljši način, da bi predsednik Trump preprečil, da bi tej državi naredil še več škode, je poziv k 25. spremembi. Vse je odvisno od podpredsednika Penca in vlade. Kongres bo nemudoma sprejel odpoklic, če ga bodo zahtevali, pravi Chuck Schumer, vodja demokratov v senatu.
Analitiki trdijo, da so bili vsi ti demokratski pozivi k odpoklicu predsednika narejeni iz naklonjenosti in ne kot rezultat realnega premisleka.
“Mislim, da je demokratski poziv k 25. amandmaju vnaprej obsojen na neuspeh. Tako je sam podpredsednik Pence dejal, da tega ne namerava storiti. Torej ni pravne podlage, pojasnjuje Lawrence Douglas, strokovnjak za ustavno pravo.