(VIDEO) “Bil je pokol, bil je kaos. Sploh ne morem opisati, kaj sem videla. Nikoli v najbolj norih sanjah nisem pomislila, da bi se kot policistka znašla sredi bitke.” Ameriška policistka Caroline Edwards opisala “vojni prizor” ob vdoru v Kapitol za katerega je odgovoren Donald Trump
Dvostrankarski izbirni odbor Kongresa, ki preučuje prizadevanje nekdanjega predsednika Donalda Trumpa, da ostane na oblasti – in upor 6. januarja 2021, ki je zaznamoval vrhunec teh prizadevanj, je sinoči sklical svojo prvo javno obravnavo.
Zaslišanja so potekala v živo in so jih prenašale vse ameriške televizije razen Fox Newsa. Analiza zgodnjih posnetkov s prve predstavitve odbora kažejo, da je nekdanji predsednik Donald Trump neposredno kriv za nasilje 6. januarja.
“Donald Trump was at the center of this conspiracy,” said Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, the chairman of the Jan. 6 committee, during the first public hearing on the Capitol riot.
Follow live updates: https://t.co/fXDr4lBbay pic.twitter.com/ZnWPi94CkF
— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 10, 2022
V svoji uvodni izjavi je predstavnica Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) krivdo za dogodke 6. januarja takoj zvalila na nekdanjega predsednika Donalda Trumpa. “Predsednik Trump je sklical množico, zbral množico in prižgal plamen tega napada,” je dejala. Nekdanji predsednik Donald Trump je dejal, da so njegovi podporniki, ki so 6. januarja 2021 skandirali, da bi obesili podpredsednika Mikea Pencea, »imali pravo idejo« in da si je Pence »to zaslužil«, je razkril odbor, ki je preiskoval napad.
Former president Donald Trump said his supporters chanting on Jan. 6, 2021, to hang Vice President Mike Pence “had the right idea” and that Pence “deserved it,” the committee investigating the attack revealed. https://t.co/27beqQrJZ9
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) June 10, 2022
Caroline Edwards, kapitolska policistka, je opisala, kako se je soočila s protestniki med napadom. Pripovedovala je o tem, kako je izgubila zavest, ko je z glavo udarila ob betonsko stopnico. Potem ko si je opomogla, pa je še naprej poskušala braniti Kapitol – preden sta bila ona in policist Brian Sicknick – ki je pozneje umrl – napadena z razpršilom.
Policistka Caroline Edwards je vse skupaj opisala kot “vojni prizor”. “Bil je pokol, bil je kaos. Sploh ne morem opisati, kaj sem videla. Nikoli v najbolj norih sanjah nisem pomislil, da bi se kot policist znašel sredi bitke…Videla sem prizore kot iz vojne, scene, ki jih vidite v filmih. Nisem mogla verjeti svojim očem. Policisti na tleh so krvaveli in bruhali … Bil je kaos,” je dejala.
Množica je na koncu vanjo potisnila stojalo za kolesa, jo priklenila na tla in izgubila je zavest.
This is what happened to Officer Caroline Edwards before she suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury at the hands of MAGA supporters tying to break into the U.S. Capitol.
Nobody tried to help her. https://t.co/7K4eu6wvcz
— Rep. Jim McGovern (@RepMcGovern) June 10, 2022
Policistka Caroline Edwards je vse skupaj opisala kot “vojni prizor”. “Bil je pokol, bil je kaos. Sploh ne morem opisati, kaj sem videla. Nikoli v najbolj norih sanjah nisem pomislil, da bi se kot policist znašel sredi bitke.”
Live now: the January 6th Committee holds its first public hearing. https://t.co/VcGc0E5thB
— Jim Cooper (@repjimcooper) June 10, 2022
Sandra Garza, the longtime partner of Capitol Hill Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick who died shortly after the Jan. 6 attack, wiped tears as a video of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol is played during the hearing. https://t.co/ScglSQRATH pic.twitter.com/Lqxbjc1sLI
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) June 10, 2022
Bill Barr, nekdanji generalni državni tožilec, ki je pričal odboru je dejal, da so bile večkratne trditve Donalda Trumpa o goljufiji na volitvah leta 2020 napačne, češ da je Trumpu povedal, da “noče biti del tega”.
Bill Barr, the former attorney general, testified to the Jan. 6 committee that Donald Trump’s repeated claims of fraud in the 2020 election were false, saying he told Trump that he “didn’t want to be a part of it.” https://t.co/Kf5QBFAgPz pic.twitter.com/eAvxf9R9nC
— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 10, 2022
Predsednik odbora predstavniškega doma, ki preiskuje vstaj na Kapitolu 6. januarja, je na četrtkovi obravnavi izjavil, da je bil napad “poskus državnega udara”, ki je ogrozil “dve stoletji in pol ustavne demokracije”.
The chairman of the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection declared at Thursday’s hearing that the attack was an “attempted coup” that put “two and half centuries of constitutional democracy at risk.” https://t.co/iahpgFfHC1
— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) June 10, 2022
Our democracy was attacked on #January6th, and we need to get answers so we can take the necessary steps to shore it up.
I hope tonight’s hearing is a reminder that we are not out of the woods yet and must do everything in our power to protect our democracy. pic.twitter.com/3fGyGy49vB
— Rep. Colin Allred (@RepColinAllred) June 9, 2022
Rep. Liz Cheney: Rep. Scott Perry "contacted the White House in the weeks after Jan. 6 to seek a presidential pardon. Multiple other Republican congressmen also sought presidential pardons for their roles in attempting to overturn the 2020 election." https://t.co/hKBlWEt2DC pic.twitter.com/pjlXvvGfZU
— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) June 10, 2022